To join the Registry, you need..Read
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The MDR(I) is a database of voluntary Donors..Read
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- MDR(I) Registration form |
- MDR(I) Donation form |
Everyone's journey and experience with dealing with Leukemia and other cancers is
different. Here are some stories shared by patients. If you would like to share
your story, please contact us.
Dushyant Mehta, My name is Dhusyant. I am 8 years old and I am very proud
that I donated my Stem cells to my sister who was suffering from Aplastic Anemia
and was able to save her life by a transplant using my healthy stem cells.
I am fine and I had no ill effects or pain due to the donation process.
You can also do the same and save someones life.
Please do it because you can.
Please do it because you care.
Ashish Poddar, My name is Ashish. I am suffering from drug resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.
I need a stem cell transplant from a matching unrelated donor.
Someone Like you can save my Life. You may be the miracle donor I have been searching for without any Luck so far.
Please come forward with your friends and colleagues in large numbers and get registered as donors with the MDRI.
You will not suffer any ill effects from the donation process or thereafter.
Anshuman Mor, Each one of us has a 'LIFE' which is a 'GIFT' given to us any which way...
It doesnt belong to us ...It is a 'GRACE' bestowed upon us...
The only way we can return this boon is by giving Life to others.
MDRI gives us this huge opportunity to open up OUR LIFE by giving LIFE to someone else...
Janak with sister Ramita,
I was suffering from Acute Leukemia but got cured by a transplant
with the stem cells donated by my sister Ramila. It is wonderful to have my
Life back and be able to work again exactly as I was working before my illness.
However, the vast majority of such patients are not Lucky enough to find matching donors within their families.
But you can save them by coming forward to register with the MDRI, as voluntary stern cell donors.
Stem Cell donation is absolutely safe. Ramila is willing to donate again for any matching patient at any time in the future.